Join the Society
People join Ledbury and District Civic Society for lots of reasons, but all our members love our town for one reason or another.
As a member you will be able to attend our monthly meetings and talks free of charge. You will also receive a free copy of Ledbury Letter, our members’ newsletter.
To join, simply complete the application form and return it to us.
You can download an application form here.
You can also request an application form by writing to Ledbury and District Civic Society Trust Ltd, Burgage Hall, Church Lane, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 1DW.
Membership costs
Annual membership
A single membership subscription is £10 per year. Membership for a couple is £20. It reduces our administration costs if you pay your subscription annually on 1 January by standing order. (Setting up a standing order is easy – simply complete the details on the membership form.) If you prefer to pay by cash or cheque annually, that is acceptable too.
Gift Aid
If you pay income tax, we can claim tax relief on your subscription at no extra cost to you through the Gift Aid scheme. You will find full details on the application form.
The Society complies with the General Data Protection Regulation.